Ola Persson, Cultural Developer.

Ola Persson, Cultural developer.

Describe her work in one word: Limitless

We met at Stapelbäddsparken during a workplacement while studying, my goal was to gain an insight of project management within the culture sector, with Oyuki leading the way.. I was thrown into it.

Since then we worked together during several projects where the most extensive one has been I LOVE ROBOTS which was created and managed by Oyuki. The project met many challenges in form of a narrow time aspect, limited personal and work space. To make the project possible Oyuki put together a team of very talanted people with different backgrounds and skills that complemented eachother on a great level. With the limited resources in consideration, she made the group to perform over what was expected from any observer.

With a natural feel for creativity, a focused and overlooking managing skill Oyuki creates the atmosphere and platform which inspire people. The difference is that some people try to meet expectations while Oyuki reaches goals with a great inner vision. This is the quality that makes her work not “good enough” but clearly excellent.