PROJECT: Sketch or Die Scandinavia

Position: Project Manager and Curator.

Sketch or Die Scandinavia, the beautiful Mexican project that I found by accident on the Internet one night and I had the honor to produce the first international version of it. The project consisted basically in a group of illustrators locking themselves in a room and drawing non-stop under 48hrs what people wished through social media (twitter & facebook).

I didn’t hesitate in sending a mail asking them if I could borrow their idea to produce it in Sweden. After a few emails, I met with one of the creators in Barcelona, as he happened to be there studying at that time. I think in general they were skeptic in the beginning, I mean why would they borrow their project to a stranger…And to be produced in Sweden!! They finally agreed and we ended up working together to produce Sketch or Die Scandinavia in Malmö.

We managed to produce Sketch or Die Scandinavia on 5 months through skype meetings and tons of mails. We got into the project great artists: Kristofer Ström (SWE), Basti Santa (SWE), Rickard Grönkvist (SWE), Lina Eriksson (SWE), Stine Hvid (DK) and Jonathan Mthsn (NOR) and around 15 guests.

To produce this project was a whole new experience for me. When you produce an event, you used to count your success through visitors.